Composting is the process of decomposing organic waste into rich, nutrient-rich soil. The process is simple and can be done by anyone who has access to kitchen scraps. In fact, it’s so simple that you can even do it in your backyard or at home.
The first step to composting is to collect all your kitchen scraps and yard waste. Then, you need to place them in a large bucket or bin, depending on the size of the container you have available. It should be big enough for all the materials you’re putting in it. You’ll want to make sure that the bin is placed somewhere that is warm, but not too hot, as this will kill the bacteria. If the temperature is right, you can put the bin outside, but keep it out of direct sunlight.
If you don’t have a lot of kitchen scraps, you may want to start with a small bin, but once you get the hang of it, you can increase the size of your compost pile. When you add new material to your compost pile, you’ll want to turn it over. This will help aerate the pile and give the microorganisms a chance to break down the materials.
You can also add wood chips, shredded newspaper, grass clippings, and other materials that are high in nitrogen. You can also use manure from your animals, but make sure that you don’t use it if it contains antibiotics or hormones. This can kill off the bacteria in your compost pile.

When you have finished adding materials to your compost pile, you need to let it sit for about three weeks before you turn it over again. This allows the microorganisms to break down the materials. After you’ve added new material, you’ll want to let it sit for another two weeks before you turn it over.
Once you’ve turned the pile over, you’ll want to wait until it has reached a consistency that is similar to dirt. At this point, you can start using it as fertilizer for your plants.