Composting – How to Start Composting

Have you ever heard of composting? It is a natural method of recycling and preserving food. It can be used in gardens, on farms, or in your home. You can even make compost at home. Composting is the process of converting organic waste into a soil amendment. In order to do this, it is necessary to have some knowledge about the process.

How to Start Composting

To start composting, you need to get your hands on some kitchen scraps. These should be organic and free from chemicals. If you don’t want to deal with kitchen scraps, you can buy compostable bags. The bag is made from biodegradable materials that break down after being buried. The bag is filled with scraps and then buried. After a few weeks, you will have a finished product that is ready for use in your garden.

What to Compost

When you are starting out, you may not know what to compost. There are many different types of scraps that you can use. Some examples include:

* Leaves

* Grass clippings

* Kitchen scraps

* Garden waste

You can also use other organic materials such as:

* Hay

* Paper

* Cardboard

* Eggshells

* Tea bags

* Coffee grounds

* Pine needles

* Bark

* Wood chips

How to Compost Worms

If you want to get more done, you may want to add worms to the mix. They will help to break down the organic material and make it easier to convert into a usable product. You can either purchase them or make your own. You can find information online about how to make your own worms.

What to Feed Your Worms

Worms love to eat:

* Grass clippngs

* Manure

* Leaves

They also like:

* Hay

* Paper

* Food scraps

* Eggshells (they like the shells)

Worms can also eat:

* Cardboard

* Coffee grounds

They also like:

  • * Pine needles
  • * Bark
  • * Wood chips
  • * Tea bags

What Not to Feed Your Worms

You may be tempted to feed your worms anything that you can think of. This is not a good idea. Here is a list of things you should not feed your worms:

* Meat

* Fish

  • Coffee grounds
  • Eggshells
  • Chocolate

* Cigarette butts

* Plastic

* Cotton

* Paper towels

* Pet foods

* Hair

* Feces

* Moldy foods

* Dead animals

* Garbage

* Bedding

* Paint

* Chemicals

* Bleach

* Lye

* Preservatives

* Detergents

* Pesticides

* Weed killers

* Household cleaners

* Gasoline

* Oil

* Alcohol

* Petroleum products

* Oils

* Vinegar

* Glue

* Tar

* Wax

* Asphalt

* Rubber

* Glues

* Paint

You can find more information about composting and worms at your local library or online.